Monday, June 29, 2015

Find Out A Few Of The Branches That Comprise Microbiology Society

By Edna Booker

It is great to realize that microbiology has made this world a better place for everyone today especially by studying different microorganisms and controlling their harmful influence. Those who study microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, algae, protozoa and fungi are called microbiologists and they form a community to make this scientific world stronger. If you have the desire to study more about these microorganisms, which your naked eyes cannot see, you should also look forward to joining the microbiology society.

If you are willing to study microbiology, you should know that it involves different branches. This means that the members of this society are not from the save line of study since they fall in the different branches. Mycology happens to be one of the branches that people with interest in learning more about fungi join. These scientists further classify fungi into yeast, molds, mushrooms and puff balls.

Another category of scientists you will find in this scientific community include virologists. These are people who study more about viruses in terms of the diseases they cause, how they reproduce and the most effective ways to control them. They further discover that viruses are not classified as living or non-living things although they cause serious illnesses to people, plants and animals.

If you want to know about protozoa, you can find some of the scientists in this community. Those who have achieved higher degrees in protozology are definitely competent members of this community. When you hear certain people are suffering from malaria or typhoid, the major causing organism is always a protozoan. In fact, protozoa also cause leprosy that does great damage to body organs.

Those who study medical microbiology are also essential members of this community due to the immense contribution about disease control that they bring. Members of this branch study pathogenic microbes, their reproduction, genetics, physiology and life cycle. What many people do not know is that some of these microbes are remedies for various microbial diseases. Some of the diseases you study in this branch include typhoid, leprosy and tuberculosis.

Among other scientists you find in this community are those who study different processes of fermentation and their application. Fermentation is crucial to most industries since they produce their products through this process. However, some people do not know that certain microorganisms facilitate fermentation. Scientists in this branch explain how fermentation brings about alcoholic drinks.

Scientists who study immunology are also members of this community. These are professionals who study how your body responds to various toxins in the body. They also take time to learn how human body produces them toxins and why it produces them. If you also want to know how antigens contribute to the formation of antibodies, you can see expert who study immunology in this society.

Finally, the objects you see around go through degradation process with the help of particular microorganisms. Actually, many people would not know this if there were no scientists to discover it. For this reason, scientists who study how microbes degrade objects and how certain microbes can eradicate oil spill in aquatic ecosystems also belong to this community.

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